Flourishing Together Collective
Flourishing Together Collective
Dr. Tara Gunther

Welcome to Flourishing Together Collective

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Are you woman who flourishing in some areas but finds herself defeated or struggling in other areas of her well-being?

 Maybe you can't seem to keep the weight off?

Do you want to learn to love your body, your life and feel spiritually connected? Then keep reading! 

If you struggle with your weight or self care, you've probably had these thoughts! 

  • “If I’m so smart, why can’t I figure this thing out?”

  • “I am so frustrated with my weight!”

  • “I’ve tried everything and nothing ever works!”

  • “I’m so ugly (or fat, or disgusting, or unattractive)”

  • Do you feel sluggish or low energy?

  • Do you get enough quality sleep?

  • Are you overeating or over drinking or eating the wrong kinds of food for your body?

  • Do you feel like you never have enough time to spend in prayer or in scripture, yet your phone tracks hours of mindless scrolling?

  • Do you feel empty or unfulfilled?

  • Do you feel like there has to be something more to life than what you are experiencing?

  • Do you feel worthy of good things? Or deep down, do believe you are unworthy of love and acceptance?

If you are nodding your head to any of these, then you are in the right place

You might be thinking it's easy for you to say you’ve never been on this weight loss journey before. 

But that’s not true…

Then in quick succession, I got married, had two children, left an outstanding career track in hospital administration and my dream house to move across the country for my husband’s career.  After the move, both my husband and I underwent several more career transitions--all in less than 10 years.  I saw my weight creeping up until one day I realized in tears, I needed a coach!  

As a health psychologist and board certified health & wellness coach, I had many emotions about the fact that I could not get my weight under control.  I was frustrated, overwhelmed, and felt defeated.  I had all the tools.  If I was so successful helping others with their wellness journey, why couldn’t I figure out this one aspect of my life for good?  I thought I had all the necessary knowledge and tools. And faith and prayer wasn't enough to fix it.  So, I hired a weight loss coach and began to heal my broken relationship with food, my body, and find peace in the journey.

What I see now are the many blessings in disguise!  

So now it's my time to share the strategy and tools that helped me on my journey. I'm a believer that all these experiences shaped me and led me to build this community. You don't have to go on this weight loss journey alone either. It's time to open up and trust this community. We've got you! 

I believe that these 3 core values are the pillars to getting your weight under control and living a happier, healthier YOU. 

We hear of Mind, Body and Spirit all the time but I've found that to be rooted in truth, you have to allow yourself to grow in grace and then you will Flourish in your Faith. These 3 Core Values are my heart! When I am balanced in these 3 areas, I'm able to find my way. My path is clearly defined, I know my limits, and I take care of myself. <--- That might of taken the longest to figure out how to do. 

I can't wait to take you on this journey of seeing yourself with new glasses on! It's truly a beautiful experience and can't wait to see the transformation!

If truth, grace and faith resonated with you, then sign up today to be apart of this amazing group of women. Join today and become a founding member for only $49.95/month. 

Yes YOU!! You are deserving of a beautiful life and to feel amazing in your own body.  It's my desire to help you get there. 

So often we live in a world of busyness putting others needs before our own. Do you put yourself LAST? This HAS TO STOP! You are worthy of taking care of yourself. 

When you take care of you your family is happier, you are happier and your home can flourish.

 I'm here to give you the tools to set boundaries and create a life you were meant to live. Friend, I believe your right where you need to be and that this is just the beginning of a beautiful healthier YOU!

In my program, you will learn the tools to manage your mind (i.e., your thoughts) so that you can manage your emotions and behaviors. 

You’re exhausted by all of your commitments and feel frustrated with failed attempts to lose weight, focus on your self-care, and feel defeated.  It doesn’t make sense because you are so successful in many areas of your life but you can’t seem to figure out how to balance your own self care or lose weight and keep it off.  

Maybe you buffer more through food, shopping, over-drinking, or mindless scrolling.  

Friend, I've been there so I get it!

 If you are thinking “Yeah yeah yeah, I’ve heard it all before and NOTHING WORKS”

STOP RIGHT THERE. I’m sharing the strategy and tools that help because I've been on this journey too. Remember my story above? I've been in your shoes and I've found the tools that work for me and for my clients.

These seven areas are core to sustaining our health and wellbeing and there are many ways for you to promote your health using self-care practices.  When you learn the skills needed to transform your mind and body, you will be able to use the same tools to flourish in any aspect of self-care.

Here's How I Can Help

My program teaches you how to connect your spirituality to the core areas of self care so that you can learn how to manage the thoughts and triggers that keep you feeling stuck and unsuccessful.  While the program does focus on the strategy and skills to lose weight, there is so much more!  As we begin to take care of the body in this way, you will soon see how it overlaps into other major areas of self care.  

Are you nodding and thinking " Yes, I need this in my life!"

What to expect each month :

My program teaches you how to connect your spirituality to the core areas of self care so that you can learn how to manage the thoughts and triggers that keep you feeling stuck and unsuccessful.  

What you get when you sign up:

Access to Tara’s 20 years expertise in health psychology and coaching

- 2 times a month, group zoom calls

- Self-paced course modules on topics

- Downloadable worksheets and daily log

- Community support

- Comprehensive Guidebook

While the program does focus on the skills to lose weight, there is so much more!  As we begin to take care of the body in this way, you will soon see how it overlaps with other major areas of self care.  

What now?

If you desire transformation in your life, if you want to learn to love your body, your life and feel spiritually connected, it's time to INVEST IN YOU! 

Get started today and becoming a founding member for ONLY $49/month